We have a tendency to live our lives for tomorrow. That is, we all have the tendency to continually look towards what’s “next” to make us happy. What’s next may not always be a bad thing. When I look at my own life, there are quite a few things I’m looking forward to that is “next” for me. I can’t wait to find a wife and get married. I’m looking forward to finding a career in whatever God is calling me to do. The idea of one day being a father is exciting. The next vacation is something I constantly find myself longing for. Another big one: mealtimes. Once I’ve finished breakfast, I can’t wait to get to lunch. Yes, I have a food problem. Another area I see this popping up is in the world of Netlix TV shows. Often times I will catch myself watching a show just so I can finish it and discover the next new and exciting show. What’s next is exciting, but we often wait for the “next” to make us happy. Jesus told His disciples:
“Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” – Matthew 6:34
Clearly, Jesus tells us we shouldn’t have to worry about the troubles of tomorrow, for we can trust God will take care of us. But I think this has another implication: stop looking for tomorrow to make you happy. God has given us the now. Enjoy it. Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Rejoice! Rejoice! Christians are not called to be super serious no-fun kind of people. Certainly we are called to be responsible and fulfill are God-given duty in this world. But God also calls us to joy. Our duty should be enriched by our joy. We of all people have reason to rejoice. God has reconciled us to Himself and given us a purpose as He set His love upon us. That alone is enough to rejoice.
More than that, God has blessed me beyond imagination. I want to get married and have kids and start a career. But God has called me to today.
Right in the here and the now, I have people in my life who love me. I have people whom I can serve. I am going to school learning about things that I love. I’ve got books and movies and shows to invigorate my imagination and thrust me into a deeper appreciation for creativity and art. I am in a unique place in life where I am learning the ropes of adulthood. I am discovering my newfound freedom. Sure, those other things will be nice when they come. But God has given me things to rejoice in and be thankful for now. I had the opportunity to go camping at the lake this past week with a bunch of my family. One afternoon, I jumped in the water and as I came up I just looked at everything around me. My dad and brother and uncles and cousins were smiling. We were laughing together. I looked up at the canyons and mountains around me as I shuddered at the unique glory and creative power of my God who created these things. I looked around, and realized I have everything I need now. I was happy. Let us all learn to live for today. Let us all learn with Paul to say, “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content” (Phil 4:11). Even when Paul was shipwrecked, imprisoned, or beaten, he was content. Yes, we can look forward to things. But let us not overlook what we’ve been given today in order to grasp for what we may have tomorrow.
“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” – Andy Bernard, The Office
If you have aspirations to one day be a pastor, but today are only teaching 3rd graders in Sunday school, focus on the impact you can have on those kids today. Don’t skip out on the opportunity you have now by using that class as a stepping stone to being a pastor. Commit yourself. When you are watching a movie or TV show, don’t just do it to get to the next one. Instead, lose yourself in the beauty and art and writing of what you’re watching now. If you want to get married, then pursue that in patience! But as you wait, commit yourselves to the friends, family, and ministries that you have now. Commit to today. God has you where you are for a reason. Make the best of it. Perhaps we should all stop seeing the “now” as a stepping stone into what is next. Because today is something we will never get again.